Info needed.


New Member
Thick git here,how can i find the spec of my computer and then you can tell me how to overclock it if need be and what benefit will i get.Thats it i'm waiting Aastii and nev and anybody else who wants to contribute.
Your not thick ;)

Questions are what we are here for and to help each other out,We cannot know everything ;)

Free software such as the following below can help find out whats in your pc.

Belarc Advisor

Also Aastiis list is very helpfull (System Information, Diagnosis & Monitoring section)

Wether you can overclock depends on what mobo you got,Is your system a pre-built like a Dell,Hp etc? Because they usually have locked Bios.= usualy lack of/No overclocking options....then you also have to consider the Ram,Cpu cooler etc.

Biggest question is,Why do you want to overclock?
Are you not happy with your system performance?
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Biggest question is,Why do you want to overclock? What benefit do i get.
Are you not happy with your system performance? If i can get better why not.

I shall download Belarc.

What info needed does this help.
Board: Intel Corporation DP55WB AAE64798-205
Serial Number: AZWB94200VU3
Bus Clock: 133 megahertz
BIOS: Intel Corp. WBIBX10J.86A.0190.2010.0112.0219 01/12/2010

2.67 gigahertz Intel Core i5 750
32 kilobyte primary memory cache
256 kilobyte secondary memory cache
8192 kilobyte tertiary memory cache
64-bit ready
Multi-core (4 total)
Not hyper-threaded
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Well overclocking will give you better performance,How much better depends on how far you overclock. :)

back on my old Q6600 going from 2.4Ghz to 3.5Ghz was quite a huge boost,everything from bootup speed to gaming performance went up quite a bit.

Let us know what Belarc says :)
Well overclocking will give you better performance,How much better depends on how far you overclock. :)

back on my old Q6600 going from 2.4Ghz to 3.5Ghz was quite a huge boost,everything from bootup speed to gaming performance went up quite a bit.

Let us know what Belarc says :)

I have put some bits what Belarc wrote down is that not the right info needed.

Would it invaladate my warranty if it was overclocked.
Also how do you overclock.
Its a Novatec computer.
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Yes i have HD5570.

8184 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory

Slot 'J1MY' has 2048 MB
Slot 'J2MY' has 2048 MB
Slot 'J3MY' has 2048 MB
Slot 'J5MY' has 2048 MB
hey russ mate,

you got your system from novatech didn't you? If so, I would have thought it would void your warranty with them, however, that does not mean that they will know you have done it ;).

When you overclock, the only evidence that you have done it is your BIOS settings. If anything does go wrong, you can (please note that word, I'm not saying you should ;)) reset your BIOS and claim ignorance, and they would know no different.

There are 3 things that you should do before you even consider overclocking though:

1. Check your current temperatures. Download HWMonitor from here, it will tell you what temperature your CPU is currently running at. Either type up what the results were, or screenshot them and post them up. If your CPU is already running too hot then you won't be able to overclock without first getting better cooling

2. Do you have an aftermarket CPU cooler? If you have the stock Intel one, you will not be able to overclock very much at all, not enough to make any real difference at least. You will be needing an aftermarket heatsink. It doesn't have to be anything big or expensive, even a cheap one is better than the stock intel one

3. Check that you are able to change the settings in the first place. If you go into the BIOS when your system boots up and are able to change the CPU frequency CPU voltage or the CPU multiplier, then you are able to overclock
Well with my computer knowledge it should only take me about 5 mins will let you all know what i decide as it takes all my courage to turn this thing off.:)
If you can't adjust those we still have one other option. Not as good and won't get as good of results but can work nice. They call a software OC.

Let's hope you can do BIOS OC but if not we can explore the other.
Started to have a read How To OC after the first section my head started to spin,oh for an education.It does state that if i play with my computer it does affect the warranty.What with all this temperature and cooling thingy.This is way above my head so i'm going to say thank you and sorry for taking up your
your time.I thought all you had to do was put in some numbers and that was it.To be honest i'm scared incase i balls up the computer.:)
So long as your temperatures are ok and don't go an whack your voltages too high straight away, you won't be hurting it and won't mess it up.

Basically, if you know that your system will let you change the numbers that you need to and you know that temperatures will be reasonable, it will be, as you say, just changing numbers, you don't need to know why it does what it does, you just need to know how to change the numbers safely.
In all honesty Russ,If you dont understand fully what you are doing then dont do it.
You wont get all that far anyway on a Stock cooler,Which im assuming your system has as you did not mention what cooler you have.

Its not just all about putting in some numbers and bam you have your overclock,You will need to make sure its Stable,and have a play around with Voltages,Timings etc to get the right settings.
Nev i dont think i will have a go as i have no confidence in what i would be doing.I would like to thank you all again for your time.:)