In trouble with installing my receiver on a tv


Some time agi i sound a rciever laying around somewhere in my house. And at the moment im trieng to install this device on my tv. The problem is that i'm havint trouble with getting the divice working. I tested the receiver by listening to some radioc channels so im sure that it works. But when i connect the receiver to my tv it just simply doesn't give any sound. My goal is to use the receiver while i play movies on my computer. At the moment it's just the radio i can listen to.
what i would like to know is how i can et evrything working. ill put a picture of my installation. the receiver i'm using is: Technics SA-5170K (it's the same one as in the picture) and the tv i'm using is the SAMSUNG UE32EH5000WXXN.
so far i've tried changing the audio device i'm using in my tv options and using the propper sound channol on the receiver.

Sorry foor my english if this gave you trouble to read.

From the info I can find regarding your TV, it doesn't have any audio inputs only audio outputs (headphone, digital out).

I wonder if you could find an adapter that would allow you to connect the output from the receiver from Line Out via RCA cables and adapt it to HDMI as your TV does have HDMI inputs. I know they make adapters that take video plus the 2 audio channels via RCA and output it to HDMI but I'm not sure if that adpater will pass the audio if there is no video. Maybe someone else has had experience with that.
Could it be possible to buy a new cable and connect these between my soundcard and my receiver? If there is more i need to do than just buying a new cable could you explain this? Configuring the right device wont be the problem, but i dont know if there is an option somewhere to convert analog signals to digital signals.

Just to be sure here is a link to my mobo, i'll need to use the sound card of this when i'll be using it: