

New Member
Is there someone that knows how to acquire an original Icon for any website? I would like to get these for shortcuts on my desktop. As it is there are just the Mozilla icon instead of the websites original.
I'm thinking maybe we aren't on the same frequency here.

If you see an icon online, then right-clicking the icon itself with the mouse ought to yield you an option to save the image locally.

Now, admittedly I don't use Internet Explorer, but I know that option is available in Firefox, and I'm pretty sure IE would have the same type of option.

Once you save the icon locally, then by going into Properties of the shortcut, you can change the icon by clicking on the icon showing and browsing to the saved image. I'm pretty sure that XP will accept .png, and .bmp images for shortcut icons.
Oh. Go to the website in question, say this one, and in the address bar add "/favicon.ico" after the .com or whatever; like this:


In most cases, the favicon is in the home directory, though it doesn't have to be. If you get a not-found error, then you will have to look in the page source for the pointer to the icon.

I am morally required to say that it is not nice to steal other people's artwork and such, but in the given case, that isn't really an issue: the OP just wants to use the icons to head up their shortcut URLs to the sites indicated by the icons.
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Yes you are correct. The icon for the url. And yes your right again. No theft of artwork, just repeating it for a shortcut to that url to be on my desktop. I use firefox.