I want a G15 keyboard. Whats your price?

:rolleyes: Well i can get it brand new for $60 W/ shipping, so looking to see if anyone can go lower.
If you can get it new for $60, I would take it. They cost around $100 at best buy and around $70 on newegg.
from the back of a truck? :D

I am not selling, but there great. despite what you may have heard, there amazing. not that much bigger either.
But if some people were gullible, if thats the correct word.
they will fall for it.

Still flabbergasts me that a 96 y.o is interested in computers.

That was more of a pun.

Like id actually believe that a 96 y.o man over clocks his computer AND lives in the middle of the war.

But my def. of gullible is the people that would actually sell him the awesome g15 for under $60... cause he can get it supposedly.