I need help

I signed up to post the exact same question, but in only C, but I was redirected to C++ somehow, but that's fine, as I wasn't that attached to C. Try this, but the main thing advertised here is physical, so you might not like it:
So a compiler and/or IDE then?
Some guys at work like CLion, they said it worked better with cmake. On windows you probably aren't going to have to worry about that though. There were a few others that liked https://codelite.org/

As for learning, I used https://www.amazon.ca/Primer-Plus-5th-Stephen-Prata/dp/0672326965 and thought it was decent.
Postscript: You might want to make the title broader than "I need help," as someone wouldn't know what you so urgently need help with and click your forum thread to answer your "desperate plea of help." Just saying...
I signed up to post the exact same question, but in only C, but I was redirected to C++ somehow
To be fair, C and C++ are so similar that the same IDEs apply. And anything you learn for C is technically valid C++.

The book itself, is for C, I know it has plus in the title but it is a C book. The equivalent C++ book is https://www.amazon.ca/Primer-Plus-5...coding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=NPMRT09FNQWN0941MKVY

If you are looking for online C++ stuff, http://en.cppreference.com/w/ is good but you need to know what you are trying to do for it to be really useful.

There's a decent tutorial at http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/