i have a linksys router, and i was wondering if i could just..


New Member
I have the Linksys WRT54G wireless router, and i was going to buy a linksys wireless adapter for my upstairs comp so i could get internet,,, but i also have the xbox 360 up there to which i want to play xbox live (where a ethernet cable attaches to the back of the xbox)--

i was wondering what i should do, should i get the adapter, then run the adapter to my tower upstairs.... but then i still need my xbox connected to the internet too, and the adapter doesnt have more than one ethent output i dont think, so even if i do get the adapter, i would still have to run a ethernet through my house (from downstairs) to my upstairs xbox...

so should i not get the adapter since i would have to run the ethernt upstairs anyways?? --cause i am not goin to get the adapter for the xbox live thing, too expensive

or does the adapter have ethernt ports where i can hook to my tower upstairs, and then run another one from the adapter to the xbox...

would runnin ethernet cables from router to upstairs comp etc, make it RUN SLOWER than if i were to get the adapter?????????

sry if its kinda confusing>>>> :)

Well you have a few options... A bit more confusing then others.

The ideas can be broken down into running a cable upstairs and not.

Don't run the cable:
-Get a single wireless adaptor for your desktop. Connect to the wireless router with the adaptor, and bridge this device to your onboard, or regular ethernet card on the PC. Then run a cable to the xbox from the computer. This will has some downfalls, the computer would need to be ON when you have internet connection on the Xbox. AND the wireless connection MIGHT be spotty. IT will never match the speed/reliability that a wired connection would have.

Run the cable:
If you run the cable you could simply run 2, one for xbox, and one for the PC.
If you only want to run 1, then you can get another ethernet card in the pc. So run cable to PC, then the other from pc to Xbox and bridge them. This idea requires you to have the pc on anytime you want internet to the xbox though.
The last idea would be run the single cable, plug that into a switch (or hub if being cheap, switch is better) by your pc, and split the connection to the xbox and PC. The PC does not have to be on to play Xbox on the internet.

Here is a linksys switch if interested...
ok. what is the purpose of the switch, is it kinda the same thing as the wireless adapter?

if i get the switch it would be like this correct..

Downstairs tower > linksys router > dsl modem

then run a ethernet???? from linksys router from downstairs > switch upstairs > comp tower upstairs ,,, then another one from the switch > xbox??

cause if i have to run ethernets upstairs i minus well not get a adapter, and just get 2 long ethents and run then from my router, to my comp tower, and then other to my xbox right,,,

and wil i notice any diff in speed than if i were to not get the wireless adapter? and just run ethents?

or just get 2 of these, and run both from router, to PC and xbox right...

and there pretty cheap too, so which would be better?
isnt there something on the market where (like the adapter) that would receive the signal from downstairs, BUT has 2 ethernet outputs so that i could just connect one to my comp and one to my xbox., that would be esay, so that i wouldnt have to run anything upstairs...
You can never beat wired for performance. Run an ethernet cable from the router (from any port) to the upstairs room. Add a switch on the end of it (simply plug it into one of the ports), now use one port on the switch to run ethernet cable to the Xbox and another port to run ethernet cable to the PC. You're done.
be careful if you use the uplink port on the switch, it normally shuts down the port next to it. I normally avoid the uplink port.
Heres one I would suggest:

You could add this to the Xbox and add a wireless adapter to the PC upstairs and wirelessly connect to the router downstairs. It's expensive and wireless is some damn glitchy.
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haha changed my mind again. since i dont have alot of money, and since i have to run a cat5 upstairs anyways, i am just gonna do 2 runs of cat5's upstairs to my xbox and computer...

so now my question is, how does my comp upstairs reconize the signal etc. is somethin gonna pop-up or what??? telling my that i am connected?? -- what happens after i hook the router to my tower. is there a window that pops up?

thanks again
you'll have to run the network setup wizard (control Panel). Is the router currently connected to any PC's? If so, you'll need to get the workgroup name from this PC (network places, view workgroup pc's) to use in the network setup wizard on the PC upstairs. Be sure to create the same workgroup for every PC.
no, it dont have any other computers hooked up. i'm just planning on runnin 2 cat5's from my downstairs linksys WRT54G router, to my ONE computer upstairs, and then another cat5 from the 2nd port on the router, to my xbox :)

so i have to go to control panel and run the network wizard... is that all?
well, if you have never hooked up a PC to the router either wirelessly or wired (which would set up a network), I would suggest you run your cable then connect it to the router and run the setup cd that came with the router . BTW- You'll have to go into the control panel on the Xbox as well and configure the network.
If no other PC connects to the router and modem, wouldn't it be easier to put the router and modem in your room and run coaxial cable upstairs ?