I get * when I press key


Active Member
So I boot up this morning *and when I use the letter A star each time I hit it. What is this *and could it be my G11 keyboard? I tried unplugging it but I don't h*ave a spare board laying around. So e*ach time I use *a I get this stupid st*ar next to it when I press *a. So f*ar no buttons *are doing it just the *a key is doing it. Sc*anning for spyw*are *and stuff now but it didn't do this l*ast night.

I wonder if my G11 board is finally dying?
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Certainly sounds liked it. Check under the keys for gunk? Tried a different port?

How come it didn't do it in your last line?
I started to delete it but got sick of doing it :P It stopped doing it about 1 hour after I made this thread as well. Worst part was it started doing this as I was speaking with a farm shop online. So they think I am semi-retarded now, however for what they are charging for generic feed I wont do business with them anyways :P

My typing key rate and backspace rate changed themselves today, they were reeaaally slow. Can't be a coincidence :eek:
I dunno its a conspiracy :P I must have pissed off someone at PETA for eating tasty baby bunnies. I spilled some water on my G11 like 1 year ago and I been having neat issues since. My backlight will randomly flash between all 3 settings real fast and my G18 key wont work anymore on M3 but works fine on M1/M2.

Suppose I will see how long this sucker lasts now haha.