I found treasures


Active Member
I was digging around in my old desk where I thought my Quake disk was. I forgot that I had all of this awesome old stuff in there too.


Starting at top left:
MS-DOS 6 Install
Windows 3.1 Install
Windows 3.1 Uninstall
Street Fighter
Aliens Ate My Babysitter
Ninja Gaiden
5" Floppy of Chinese Checkers
The Summoning
And a ton more games that aren't pictured.

Brb, ordering a USB Floppy Drive.
i had a bunch from years ago. threw them out. some time ya just got to let go. Windows 3.1 and a bunch of programs that are useless now. Maybe 60 disc. don't have a 3-1/2 no more and don't want one. still have stupid on cd like 98 2nd edition, 2000 and a bunch more. Still know people that swear by by it.
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