I don't have IP address


New Member
Hey guys!
I have a computer that I have built myself. I have already an internet account with a company and a modem from my old computer. My old computer is connected to internet and I dont have any problems. When i try to connect my new-built computer to internet, using the modem from the old computer, it gives me an error. I found out that my new computer doesn't have IP address. So how do I get it? Is there any software that does that, or i just have to call to the company so they come and check it out? Thanks!
backseatgunner said:
That just means that he is not connected to any kind of network. Correct me if I am wrong.

well yeah i would agree with you there because ive never heard of not havin an ip address
MasterGooby said:
What kind of modem is this? dial-up? cable?
I have a cable modem, from Comcast. When i run ipconfig command thats what i get:
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix...:
IP Address..............................:
Subnet Mask...........................:
Default Gateway......................:
Did anybody have same thing?
I checked this link: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;822123
And it doesn't seem to work for me. I have everything they described there, i have my firewall turned off, my card is installed properly and works, and my DHCP client if started, but nothing seems to work for me. I still have IP address. :mad:
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I just tried unplugging my internet and typed ipconfig. It told me it was disconected. Pluged it back in and got the same thing you did. That freaked me out because I know I have an Ip address. Waited a minute, typed ipconfig in again and got my normal ip. I'm guessing that those zeros mean that it's recognizing a device, but can't connect.
Yes, backseatgunner is right, you don't have an IP address until you're connected to the internet (or possibly a network).
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Yes, if you disconect your ethernet cord, your computer will not have an IP address, the onyl way to obtain an IP address is if you use a router/modem and it has a DHCP Server (It assigns an IP to every computer that is connected to it), most likely your problem is that your DHCP function is turned off on your modem, if your modem doesnt have one (Never seen one without it) then you will have to manually configure your computer.

And to what penguin said, an IP address is something you get from a network, no network, no ip address, however every computer has a MAC address (which is probably what your thikning of).

Feel free to ask any more questions if you are still confused.