I always wondered but never found the answer for this...


New Member
so i've always wondered, what does a Home server do?
what CAN it do?
does it improve computer speeds?
does it benefit to have one?
what do you all do with your servers (if any)
is it expensive to make one?
Can create network folders to store stuff that you can use between multiple computers. You could setup a domain where you have to login, and then you could have access to everything on your "desktop" on any computer, etc. You can set access restrictions to things like control panel, regedit, etc. Basically you can do a whole lot of stuff.
i think the majority of 'home' servers are used for file sharing/access across a home network. you would put your music and movie collection in one central location instead of all your computers holding their own collections which may even have duplicates. then if you want to watch a movie from your laptop, you would access the server and it would 'serve' you the movie to wherever you are.

another scenario would be to have a backup server. it would go out to your clients and copy your files over.

there are other kinds of servers, but for 'home' use, these are the most used.

it won't necessarily speed up your computer, i don't see how, anyways.
the benefits are subjective: how much media you have?, how important are your files?, etc.

i've built linux file servers at home, but mostly to just muck around and not really put it in service. i scrap most of my projects, but they're a really good way to learn. just about any pc can be a server. i've set up my PIII as a file and print server, so you don't need much. the most important thing to have would be hdd space to store all your files, if it's a file server.

i guess some peoples run game servers for lan/wan gaming. you would need a more powerful and speedy server for this though.
ahhh, i see, yeah i was going to use one for storage so you are telling me that if i built a server, i could dump all my media onto that server and it will be shared throughout all the computers in my house, Im guessing I'd have to hook it up into my router?
You are probably better off just buying a NAS instead of paying for a license of home server from MS and then building a PC to serve files. If you want to use a PC just load Linux on it, as it is free and more robust.

I bet that home server probably just makes file sharing and share point creation very easy, like an idiots guide or whatever.

I wonder if it allows more than 15 connections over SMB though? That is one thing that makes server so important in network environments.