I am currently writing my first website. I am having a bit of a problem with frames. I have a homepage that links to four pages. One of these four pages is split into two frames. There is a sub-menu page at top, and the lower frame will open what is selected from the sub menu.
The top page also has a back button and links to the other three main pages. The problem is, when I choose back, or another page, only the top frame goes back, so the pages that should be full screen are not, they are only in the top frame area.
What do I need to add to stop this happening? I have attached the code below. I haven't actually got round to creating the sub menu yet, just the back button and buttons for the previous menu.
Thanks, Doug :good:
I am currently writing my first website. I am having a bit of a problem with frames. I have a homepage that links to four pages. One of these four pages is split into two frames. There is a sub-menu page at top, and the lower frame will open what is selected from the sub menu.
The top page also has a back button and links to the other three main pages. The problem is, when I choose back, or another page, only the top frame goes back, so the pages that should be full screen are not, they are only in the top frame area.
What do I need to add to stop this happening? I have attached the code below. I haven't actually got round to creating the sub menu yet, just the back button and buttons for the previous menu.
Thanks, Doug :good:
<title>Douglas Rose - Online Portfolio - Portfolio</title>
<frameset rows="25%,*">
<frame src="C:\Users\Doug\Documents\Uni Work\Project\Douglas Rose - Portfolio files\Online Portfolio Top Page.html">
<frame src="C:\Users\Doug\Documents\Uni Work\Project\Douglas Rose - Portfolio files\[B][COLOR="Red"]to be added[/COLOR][/B]"
<title>Douglas Rose - Portfolio - Online Portfolio Menu</title>
<body bgcolor="#292929" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000" background="">
<a href="C:/Users/Doug/Documents/Uni Work/Project/Douglas Rose - Portfolio files/Home Page.html"><img src="Webpage Files/08_Back_Home.jpg" width="311" height="128" alt="Home" title="Click here to go back to the Homepage" border="0" align=""/></a>
<a href="C:/Users/Doug/Documents/Uni Work/Project/Douglas Rose - Portfolio files/About Me Page.html"><img src="C:\Users\Doug\Documents\Uni Work\Project\Douglas Rose - Portfolio files\Webpage Files\02_About_Me.jpg" width="181" height="39" alt="About Me" title="Find out about me" border="0" align="middle" /></a>
<img src="C:\Users\Doug\Documents\Uni Work\Project\Douglas Rose - Portfolio files\Webpage Files\12_Online_Portfolio_Selected.jpg" width="198" height="40" alt="Portfolio" title="See my portfolio online" border="0" align="middle" />
<a href="C:/Users/Doug/Documents/Uni Work/Project/Douglas Rose - Portfolio files/CirVit Page.html"><img src="C:\Users\Doug\Documents\Uni Work\Project\Douglas Rose - Portfolio files\Webpage Files\04_CV.jpg" width="54" height="40" alt="CV" title="View my CV" border="0" align="middle"/></a>
<a href="C:/Users/Doug/Documents/Uni Work/Project/Douglas Rose - Portfolio files/Contact Me Page.html"><img src="C:\Users\Doug\Documents\Uni Work\Project\Douglas Rose - Portfolio files\Webpage Files\05_Contact_Me.jpg" width="220" height="40" alt="Contact Me" title="Contact me by email here" border="0" align="middle" /></a>
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