Hows this for an OC?


New Member

Booted into windows, also ran the WEI scoring without crashing (first time I've even gotten that far) and it keeps the temperatures pretty low.

I'm about to play CoD4 and see if it's stable. I realize stress testing is different for everyone. Some people will say that it's only stable if you can run prime 95 for 24 hours, others will say one hour is enough. For me, stress testing is whatever the most intense thing is that I run. I never max out all 8 cores at 100%, so I don't really use prime 95.

What do you guys think of this? I'm sure I could take it a lot higher, but I'm actually pretty content with this.
Well I've got my 2500k OC'd to 4,7ghz and with cod4 the temps do not rise above 35C. This has to do with my cooler I guess.

CoD4 isn't a demanding game, but if it is the most demanding thing you use then its a good way to test.

Just out of curiosity though, do you play vanilla (stock) or a mod of some kind? :P
I'd advise running Prime for at least 10 minutes. Any serious instability will cause a crash within a few minutes. 24 hours is a bit high but a few minutes is a good idea.
I generally run it for 10 min between bumps in clock speed then 8+ for anything that I want to use 24/7. Games will not test CPU overclocks like Prime95 will.
I just play stock. I don't really have any mods that I do. Never got too far in to CoD.

And yeah, I might test it for a bit with prime. Not sure yet.
The loop needs a new rad first... I might even make a new waterblock. I went with 1/4 inch channels. I'm somewhat regretting it. I might make a new one and shoot for 3/8 inch, which is pretty big for waterblock channels.
Double post, but, I actually ended up resetting the BIOS and I'm back at stock clock. Just for tonight. I've been working on my SSD for several hours as the performance of it seemed to have a serious drop once I received my replacement motherboard. Turns out, they didn't give me a driver disk, and I guess there are different drivers for Rev 1.1 than 3.0. In short, disabled disk caching (which, by the way, if you want to know how to boost your ssd performance in a second, that's how) and installed the AHCI drivers and everything is back to normal.

I'm actually going to go for a modest overclock of something like 4.5-4.7 tomorrow, and I am rebuilding my waterblock, for anyone who followed me on that last time. I made the channels too small, and now I'm regretting it, so I decided to make a new one and spend some extra time on it. I'd really like to hit 5GHZ with this chip, and I think I can now that I have my new board and my ram is stable at this OC. I'm also going to play around with the CPU NB and htt, stuff like that. Up until now I've really only been messing with the HTT, Mult, and voltage for the CPU, and of course, the RAM.