How to Reinstall OS on laptop with no CD-Drive and floppy???


New Member
Hi...I have a laptop that is currently running Windows XP. I want to downgrade and install Windows 2000 but the problem is that the laptop doesnt have a CD-Drive or floppy. Is there any way I can install Windows 2000 to this laptop? I called Sony but those Text support people wanted me to send it end and have them fix it but I need my laptop for work and it was rediculous what they wanted to charge me..Please help
well you could simply just pick up/borrow an external cd drive and connect via usb. There is a more techy option of instally the os though the network port if you have another machine available
How would I install from the network? This laptop doesnt detect USB devices when booting, only PCMCIA...Thats the resaon why its soo frustrating..
you want to go from windows xp to 2000 ? ...well ok:confused:

the network option is to connect to a server with the I386 FOLDER.

Is it that your notebooks cd drive is broken. lost . or their is not a place for a cdrom drive bay ?
I think also if you take your HD out of the notebook and connect it to a desk top. You will need a notebook hd to pc ide adapter. Be carefull how you hook it up, you do it backwards you fry the notebook hd. then you format the HD fat32 make a folder and copy over the I386 folder to the HD , then put the hd back in the notebook, boot up with a bootable floppy navigate to the folder and run setup.