How to connect tow pc for internet using?


New Member
Hallo, I would like to have help from you guys. if any one could teach me how to connect tow pc for internet using. I've one wimax internet connection in my home. i don't want to buy router or switch. i would like to make lane connection and use my internet connection both in tow pc. is there any way to do that? like making one pc server and other as client?
I know you said you don't want to buy a router, but that is by far your easiest option.

Your other option is to link the two computers with a crossover cable (would require buying a second Ethernet PCI card for the main PC) and using the main PC as a gateway.
well thanks, i've a card in my pc which i used to use for broad band internet connection. my another pc which is actually a laptop, have same things, so if i use my broad band cable to connect both pc, will that work? also how can i use my pc as getaway, can you write some detail instruction?
Well, I assume you only have 1 internet line? So you want to split that between 2 PCs?

To do it without a router you would need to purchase an additional Ethernet card for your Desktop PC, and fit it. Then you would also need to purchase a crossover cable (looks like an Ethernet cable), this will be used to link the PC to the laptop. You would plug the Internet into the Desktop PC, then connect them as specified above.

again, I will repeat that the router is by far the easiest option here, and they aren't that expensive these days.