How to acess a printer form multiple computers.

Don't Hack!!!

New Member
Ok i have 2 comps hooked up on a router. how could i make it so that i can acess the printer at the same time with both comps without switching any wires of course.
One option if you have the budget is to buy a wireless printer router, You put a wireless card in the computer and it sends signals to your printer and you can send things to it that what. You have to have a router that the printer plugs into but that comes with it.
I think it costs about £50 £60 I didn't really have a good look. If you want I can get you a estimate.
If not I cant help you unless you have them in a network then I can :D
If the computers are networked (ie in the same workgroup) go to "Printers and Faxes" from the control panel on the computer the printer is installed. Select the printer>>properties>>sharing and check share this printer (can also be done witht the "share this printer" tab on the left). You should be able to see the printer on the other computer then. This is assuming you're using WinXP.
Lol how would u network them i tried and it says in the very end creat a network disk and i dont have a windows xp cd and stuff i dont evne think u need that
what ever.. not working for me i created a network between 2 comps and i shared the printer... Now what do i do with the other comp..... Do i go to control panel on the other compo and creat a network connection on the other comp?
I did that....

Still the printer aint showing up on the other comp.... Should i install the dirvers for my printer for the other comp that im trying to network?
Go to My Network Places (from start menu or windows explorer). There should an icon for each of the computers.
Yeah, a firewall can interfere. Actually I just installed a new firewall so I can't access this computer from my other computers. However, you should still be able to see your own shared folders. Also, in windows explorer there should be My Network Places then under that there should be Microsoft Windows Network then the name you gave the network (workgroup name) then the computers on the network. If you don't see any of this you might just want to try to re-setup the network on both computers, it wouldn't hurt. Also, read those guides, everything you need is pretty much in them ;)
yeah your firewall can cause a problem. turn off your firewall for now, reboot the computers, log in and go back in to my network places then you should be able to see the shared folders of the computers. if you can't see the shared folders then click on view workgroup computers on the left side and you should your networked computers .

(assumming your network consists of all Win XP OS)