How much would you pay for this stuff?


New Member
I've got a bunch of computer parts and stuff and I'm interested in selling it and getting a Mac Mini. How much would you pay for all this?

CD Reader Drive
Linksys Wireless - G PCI Adapter (in box with CD)
Seagate Cheetah 73GB SCSI HD

eMachine W3114 For Parts or Repair (fries Hard Drives) No HD
AMD Sempron 3100+ 1.8 GHz
nVidia GeForce 6100 GPU
CD Drive (DVD drive that itcame with no longer works)
9 in 1 Digital Card Reader
5 USB Ports
100MBps Ethernet
56K Modem

Compaq Presario 6300us (Works perfectly, but does not include HD)
Intel Celeron 1.40 GHz
DVD R/W Drive
3.5" Floppy Drive
4 USB Ports
3 Firewire Ports
Ethernet Port

DELL OptiPlex GX110
Intel Pentium III
CD R/W Drive
256 MB RAM
2 USB Ports
3.5" Floppy Drive
Ethernet Port

512MB PC133 RAM

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I'm not sure if anyone here would bother spending much at all, unless it were for a friend of family member, as we can all build good machines our selves. I'm pretty bad at naming how much something should be though, so I'd wait to see what someone else says.
eMachine W3114 For Parts or Repair (fries Hard Drives) No HD

Compaq Presario 6300us (Works perfectly, but does not include HD)

DELL OptiPlex GX110

512MB PC133 RAM
eMachine W3114 For Parts or Repair (fries Hard Drives) No HD

Compaq Presario 6300us (Works perfectly, but does not include HD)

DELL OptiPlex GX110

512MB PC133 RAM

If it goes it all goes together unless I can get a really good price on part of it.