how much is this rig worth?


New Member
i just wana know how much would be a fair price to ask for this system, because i plan on selling it.....

*1.7 Ghz Intel Celeron Processor, Willamette Core
*Medion MD 5000 Motherboard, with 400, 533 FSB support, PC 2100 and 2700 DDR X 2 banks
*Samsung 128 MB PC 2100 (not used in system, just extra stick)
*Samsung 256 MB PC 2700
*Kingston 256 MB PC 2100
*eVGA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra
*Western Digital 20 GB
*Western Digital 40 GB
*17' Dell CRT Monitor, white, 1280 x 1024 max resolution
*Chenbro Case, black
*Asus 52x CD ROM w/ quite track technology, black
*AGI 300 Watt Power Supply
*Samsung Floppy, black
*Logitech "Elite" Keyboard, black
*Microsoft Wireless Optical mouse, blue
Eh.....I would say no more than 300$ MAX most likely. The celerons are like candy now and the ram is "old" to most gamers/users. The monitor could prolly be found in the trash (atleast where I live). You might wanna consider selling the pieces off 1 by 1 instead as a whole, you'll prolly make more that way (by shipping) than you would this way.

P.S. Not saying the monitor is garbage, just that they are really common in some places when people toss them when they could have easily sold it for a bit.
so these are the parts that i decided im selling....if you want pics i can get them for you...

*1.7 Ghz (1.833 Ghz in DxDiag) Intel Celeron Processor, Willamette Core---$30
*Samsung 128 MB PC 2100 (not used in system, just extra stick)----------$10
*Samsung 256 MB PC 2700----------------------------------------------$20
*Kingston 256 MB PC 2100-----------------------------------------------$20
*Western Digital 20 GB--------------------------------------------------$20
*17' Dell CRT Monitor, white, 1280 x 1024 max resolution------------------$30
*Chenbro Case, black----------------------------------------------------$20 (i payed a freakin $100)
*AGI 300 Watt Power Supply---------------------------------------------$5
*Microsoft Wireless Optical mouse, blue-----------------------------------$10