How much is my rig worth?


New Member
Hey everyone, I haven't been on here in ages, and I've been out of the game for quite some time. I feel like it's time to part with my computer and I was wondering how much is it worth?
I feel like there use to be a thread for this, but I can't find it.
Computer is in sig.

To complete the rig:
dual 19" monitors
Logitech X540 5.1 surround sound
Microsoft Bluetooth Mobile keyboard 6000
Microsoft Mobile Mouse 4000
Running on Windows 7 Ultimate

I used the computer for:
Adobe Creative suite Masters edition CS5
AutoCad architecture
AutoDesk Revit
AutoDesk Design Review
Autodesk Inventor Products
Fruity Loops Producer Edition
I would say not much, 250-300 for someone that knows computers, maybe 400 to someone that does not.

The video card is weak, and nothing there is over the top, so its not a real high dollar machine.
I was going on the complete setup minus the programs you said you used. You could get a lot more with them, autodesk and autoCAD is very high dollar.