How much is my rig worth?

absolutely nothing save your time give it to me?

*looks at specs*
Mobo - XFX 680I LT - E4500 @ 2.66GHZ
Case - Ultra X - blaster Black
Ram - 2GB Corsair DHX
PSU - Antec Earth Watts 500
Gpu - XFX GeForce 8500GT - Sound Blaster Xtreme Audio
HDD - Maxtor 160GB

in store for new they would prob try to sell it for a bit over 2 grand (NZD)
Oh yeah you have similar specs to me and im going to get a 680i LT soon too but im getting a NZXT Tempest case in less than two weeks.
Anyway great minds think alike and my rig was about 500 quid brand new with a monitor which was a complete rip off at the time but when i bought it i didn't know anything about computers
Oh yeah you have similar specs to me and im going to get a 680i LT soon too but im getting a NZXT Tempest case in less than two weeks.
Anyway great minds think alike and my rig was about 500 quid brand new with a monitor which was a complete rip off at the time but when i bought it i didn't know anything about computers

Thanks for all your replies everyone :)

Nice specs you got there. When i built my computer I didn't know much nor did i even know about this forum. Turns out i took a real bad deal and over spent on the rig by a LONG shot. I made this in 08. around the thanksgiving sale and i spent over 800 dollars on this :/ HUGE mistake on my part...
My opinion is that unless you're gonna build a high end rug, erm, rig, you should use AMD... you get more for your money.

Unless you even think about overclocking :big grin:.

You'll probably get more use out of it keeping it--The parts that were listed near the top of the thread retail for around $450--if you add a legit OS, it'd bump up another $90 or so. Then, multiply that by, say, 75%, and you're at $340 or $400.
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