how many speakers


New Member
I have three sets of speakers hooked up to my computer and i don't have any problems, but i was wondering if this could cause any kind of damage. One set is a 5.1 set of speakers with 500 watts, the second is a 2.1 set of speakers with 40 watts and the third is a simple set of desktop speakers with probably about 2 watts. I'm fairly good with computers and everything works great and the quality of the music that plays through them is still great, but I rarely have them all playing at the same time. My concern is if I do play them all at the same time will it affect the speakers or the sound card?

How do you have all of those hooked up at once? I have a 500w Cambridge SW Megaworks 5.1 setup and that is phenominal, what do you need all that power for?!
I'm assuming you're using 1/8" Y-splitters to connect everything. You should have no problem that way. I'm also assuming that all those speakers are internally amplified... so you're not actually drawing any power from your pc, they just work off of a line-level feed. unless you're real critical on your audio, you would want to be matching the recommended load of your sound card. again, this also isn't important unless you spent at least $500 on a pro audio sound card.

you're not going to "blow" anything, and if you do, it wont be anything to do with your computer... you may blow a speaker, amp, etc. from playin to loud...

rock on...
yeah i use y splitters to hook them up and the main reason I have so many speakers hooked up is that I have a fairly large room. I have a computer room in my room so one set is in there and another in the main part of my room and I disconnected the small desktop speakers. Thanks for your input guys. It was helpful.
man if this is for your room i think 300 watts shoud be loud enough my rooms pretty small and i have 280 rms i don't even turn them to full (logitech z5300e)