So, I'm a newb. I just recently turned 15, I've done computers my whole life and I know how they operate on the theoretical side of things. I've done programming (Java and Python mainly, a bit of C++) for about 2 years now, and when the terms 'processor' and 'motherboard' etc. were thrown around I always just thought of them as theoretical objects that didn't really matter as it was all just taken care of for me. I want to change that.
I have a basic (I think?) understanding of how a computer is all played out. I know that the processor is obviously in charge of all of the different processes that play out on the computer, the graphics card is obviously in charge of projecting those pixels onto the monitor, the motherboard is the central point for all of the hardware parts to be fused and ran in correlation to one another, etc. But it's all pretty basic.
I guess I want to know the physics behind how it's done. How when the power is supplied to the PSU, how it all works I guess. How the electrons flow through the circuits to the motherboard in which..., etc etc.
Does anyone have any good links to any articles which cover this? Or perhaps does anyone mind briefly explaining how it's all done from when that switch is turned on and the power button is hit? As I've looked around and they're all pretty irrelevant to what I'm trying to find out.
In a way, I guess I kind of want to understand from the point of when the power button is hit. I do understand most semi-basic physics terms as I have studied physics in my own spare time because I've been interested, so I don't think that should be a major issue. I obviously know how resistance etc. works so yeah.
Any help for an idiot like myself? Thanks.
I have a basic (I think?) understanding of how a computer is all played out. I know that the processor is obviously in charge of all of the different processes that play out on the computer, the graphics card is obviously in charge of projecting those pixels onto the monitor, the motherboard is the central point for all of the hardware parts to be fused and ran in correlation to one another, etc. But it's all pretty basic.
I guess I want to know the physics behind how it's done. How when the power is supplied to the PSU, how it all works I guess. How the electrons flow through the circuits to the motherboard in which..., etc etc.
Does anyone have any good links to any articles which cover this? Or perhaps does anyone mind briefly explaining how it's all done from when that switch is turned on and the power button is hit? As I've looked around and they're all pretty irrelevant to what I'm trying to find out.
In a way, I guess I kind of want to understand from the point of when the power button is hit. I do understand most semi-basic physics terms as I have studied physics in my own spare time because I've been interested, so I don't think that should be a major issue. I obviously know how resistance etc. works so yeah.
Any help for an idiot like myself? Thanks.