When I first started using computers in the early 80's, they weren't particularly useful. You could use a word processor to write a letter to print out and mail. Email was of very limited use since very few people had computers or an email account. You could use a spreadsheet to do some calculations or keep track of your finances. Games were text only such as, Adventure. If you were lucky enough to own a modem, you could call Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), which were text only, where you could chat or play text games.
Now, with the proliferation of the web, along with high-speed access to the web, computers are far more useful. Communications are virtually instantaneous using email, texting, VOIP, etc... I can access my bank records on-line, make reservations at a restaurant, buy just about anything, find information on almost any subject, look for a job, play games, watch movies, etc...
I work from home 4 days per week and only go into the office 1 day per week (usually don't even stay a full day). Everything I need to do for my job I can do from my computer at home. My employer even pays for my internet connection.