How Does Facebook Chat Phone Work?

Up until January 2011 I was talking to an old school friend on MSN chat that knows a lot about computer technology. I suddenly noticed that she no longer uses MSN. I don't use Facebook a lot like she does. I tried talking to her yesterday on Facebook chat and she insisted that I use Facebook Phone Chat this new thing that has come out that I don't have a clue about. I've tried it 3 times and nothing has happened.:confused:

1. I downloaded it and it did not work so I told her and she sent me the same link to download Facebook Phone Chat again.

2. I did not work again. By this time she had gone offline so I got angry sent her a text message telling her to use MSN chat again.:mad: She wont use it anymore now as it is now old to her.:rolleyes: She will only talk to me now on Facebook Chat Phone. I then thought you had to have an iphone. I then told her I don't have an iphone like she does and if I could use it though the computer. She said she did not know.:rolleyes:

3. This morning I tried again as it said it does work on a computer. I then noticed that it comes up with this information.

Thankyou for installing TheChatPhone To call your friends click on the phone icon and please click LIKE hereunder.

But a message comes up telling me this:

The page you are trying to access is ristricted or unavailable.

Does anyone know how this works?:confused:
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What was wrong with regular facebook chat? Hell, what's wrong with msn? Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question as I don't have a facebook anymore, and that's something I've never heard of. Just kinda baffled by how difficult this sounds over something so it because msn is not 'cool' now or something?
FaceBook Phone Chat is a way to access the chat function in Facebook without using the browser to access your Facebook page. You can use chat clients on a smartphone or Windows or MAC or Linux computer. I've never used it but there are various chat clients that support Facebook, one such client is Pidgin. The protocol the chat client needs to support is XMPP. Here's a link to show how to configure Pidgin to access Facebook chat: Facebook chat in Pidgin
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