How do use remote desktop connection


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How do I use remote desktop connection

How do I use remote desktop connection, I have a network between two xp pro computers, and I wont to use [remote desktop connection] it is a workgroup do I need a domain and if so how do I do that? Please let me know :)
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Ok first go to help and support. look for Invite a friend to connect to your computer with Remote Assistance click it. click Invite someone to help you. wait untill it loads.
Type an e-mail address.put how long the invitation has to expire. put a password.
Or if you have msn click activites,remote
No not remote assistance [remote desktop connection] start, all programs, accessories, communication, remote desktop connection.
Hello.U can use ur comp. Remotely.
Start->Programs->Accessries->Communication->Remote Desktop Connection
Click on option->Expierence->Choose ur Connection(lan,man,wan)
Just click on Connect & Enjoy Remote DEsktop....
I can get Remote Desktop Connection to work using a LAN, But I can't get it to wor over the NET.
yeah, i use vnc too. im not messing with MS stuff.

anyway, to access it from the net, you have to open up the ports. if you have a router, get into its cp, and forward whatever port remote desktop uses to the ip addy of your computer that you wanna get into remotely, then use your external ip address and that port number to do it

Today I did a successful remote desktop connection to my comp over the net when I was at my friends house :)