How do I scroll through photos on Android Tablet?


I just bought a USB flash drive adapter with Micro USB on my Android Tablet to view photos stored on the flash drive. It works great but I’m disappointed in the way it views the photos because I can only view one at a time.

My question is there a way to scroll through the photos? I don’t see an arrow or anyway to do it.
You should be able to just open a file and swipe through the other ones.

What app are you using to view the photos?
You should be able to just open a file and swipe through the other ones.

What app are you using to view the photos?
Two come up as default, one is google and I can't remember at the moment what the second is, but I tried both and they work the same. if I go back, I can select another photo while the other remains open in the back ground.
I don't want to fill my memory with photos and I don't like having go back to the files each time to select the next one. I've tried to swipe but nothing happens except it might be enlarged.

I'd recommend the app Quick Pic.
I saw that in the app store but got scared off when I saw that it used the cloud which I don't want to have anything to do with since I don't always have an internet connection.
I guess I could give it a try and see if I can bypass the cloud stuff.

So I just looked and I guess the second viewer is Picasa. I watched the videos for both Picasa and QuickPic and Picasa show it scrolling through. I'm starting to think my problem may be that I'm viewing directly from my files on the USB flash drive.
I just don't know for sure, but I do know there isn't enough room on my Tablet for all these photos. I'm going to try again to slide through with Picasa and see if that works. I don't think I tried the first time. I don't want to edit any of them because I'd rather do that on my desk top with a large screen.
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I saw that in the app store but got scared off when I saw that it used the cloud which I don't want to have anything to do with since I don't always have an internet connection.
I guess I could give it a try and see if I can bypass the cloud stuff.
It has the option to use cloud storage for backup, but you don't need to use that. It doesn't store anything in the cloud unless you tell it to.