How do i go about reinstalling sound drivers?


New Member
Basically the audio skips every now and then, not terrible but definitely noticeable. How would i reinstall my sound? I went under management and all it says under sound is AMD high definition audio device. Also where would i get the drivers to reinstall it? would it be for the motherboard?
ASUS M488T-MLE and Windows 7 64 bit. But I think i found the problem, i went to control panel and then to sound. Under playblack it had all my audio there, and the "headphones" kept flickering on and off, so i disabled that and it seems to be good now, but whenever i enable headphones it start skipping and flickering again.
How are your headphones plugged in? usb or audio port? Unhook them and see if it stops.
Im only using speakers through the port on the motherboard in the back, no headphones. But when i went to sound under control panel the headphones option kept flickering even though i didnt have any plugged in. So i disabled headphones option all together and the speakers arent skipping at all anymore.
id go into device manager and uninstall the device if there was not an uninstall option then use johns driver...

I had the same problem... ended up buying the sound card in my sig and disabling my onboard... fixed the problem! and it sounds awesome.. expecially in bf 3... good luck!