how can I?


New Member

I need a lil bit of help here, I was woundering if there is anyways I can play audio thru a mic with out people hearing whats going on in my room or outside my room.. or is there a way i can play audio without a mic..
you want to play audio on a microphone, ie use and input device for output?

Its physically possible (at very low db) but why would you want?
maybe apj got the wrong end of the stick, i believe she was asking if there was any way to play a sound into a ic at a very low volume and for the mic to pick it up and amplify/record it. Well, of course you could, it would just be really REALLY REALLY crap recording quality. What you should be doing is using playback devices that have a line-out socket. Then you get a 3.5mm jack lead and connect the playback device to the line-in socket on the back of your PC.... (I thank thats the light blue one, i cant remember)

Then you would need some kind of recording software on your PC, set it to record from your line-in source, sometimes referred to as linein0 in some software.

For software allow me to suggest Audacity. Its 100% completely free and is very VERY powerful indeed

ok, i think was a little