How can I cut ip connection?


New Member
ok i have a problem.

I have, over any given time, many ppl connected to my network. some are unwanted.
now i know their IP's usually. what I cant manage to do is to cut them off, to drop them off.
I heard there's a way i can do that but I somehow cant manage to find it.

please help! all ideas are appreciated.
can't you do mac filtering? If you know all the peopple who should be on the network, set up the router to only allow those mac addresses to connnect
is this a wireless network you are on about?
If so then just enable encryption, will stop unwanted people from, connecting
it has to be open netwok. I cant apply router rules.
I must find a way to manually chop the IP's off.

now i know this is odd, but things are as they stand.

I need a way to cut the connection of the IP to my machine via Firewall or any other program (unwanted ppl)

can you help?
I am doing my own research, apparently i can cut the connection in windows firewall (dont know how yet).

Does anyone know how to block a single IP on the firewall and allow all other applications in? (nature of this netwok is such that i have firewall of, i would however like to keep it on but open for all)
I have winxp SP2 firewall

If need be i can change my firewall.
i cant seem to find the setting that would unblock all and block just one specific IP...

is there a way?
what do you suggest?