Home Theater PC


New Member
It seems like media servers are the buzz word in all of my Audiophile Mags...

I was thinking of putting one together - having recently had a successful first build...my confidence is high!

Do you have any suggestions on components for such a system. I would think music is #1 priority and Tivo-like functions a very close #1a. I am just getting my feet wet with all of the technology available, but it seems like it would be fairly simple. I would want something that looks decent next to my upper-end audio-video stuff

My recent build:
Chenming case
Antec 400w Smartpower
Intel 865 PERLL
Intel 3.0 ghz 800 fsb
1 - 512 mb pc 3200
GeForce fx 5200 Plus
Soundblaster Live 24 bit
Seagate 120 gb 7200rpm Ultra ATA/100
Motorola Wireless PCI
Hauppauge WinTV Go-Plus w/ Remote (haven't tried it yet)
Lite on 16x DVD RW
Win 2000

And if anyone knows of any good sites for info...I am open to suggestions.
for starters, you should have atleast 1.5 gb ram. Preferably Audigy 4 sound card... 250 mb hd if you make music... winfast 300 series video card...

my partner runs our whole music production studio off an AMD 64 5300+, 3 gig ram, Audigy 4, winfast 380 vid. card, 620 gig drive.

its a power house media computer...