Home Server


I have made my own website. Its just a website to go on and read its nothing major. I have download dyndns(free version) and made my account with the free static dns service. (I have a static ip cause it always stays the same). I then ran the server through the dyndns client so its all redirected to the ip the router gave to my pc. Then i downloaded xampp and installed all of its stuff and installed then as windows services. For the website i used wordpress. When i go on http://myhomepage.servebbs.com on my computer it seems to work. When my friend tries it doesn't. Im guessing i did something wrong?

Thanks its really my first time trying to put up a small server. I looked on the internet but i can't get a simple description.
because it is reading your local ip. you need to take extra steps to make it work since you had your server through a router. if you directly connect your server to the modem then it would of work for both you and your friend. :)
Oh ok thanks. How would i adjust my setting then so it can go through my router. I already opened certain ports that needed to be open but i didnt do anything else to the router.

BTW i have an older linksys router. Wireless B if im correct.
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Sorry forgot to add..

You mentioned that i just have to plug directly into modem but i can't do that cause my server is upstairs so i have to go through the router....
To make it work for yuor friend you need to make sure that the URL is setup to use your external IP address, you can find this out by going to http://ipchicken.com/ .

Then within your router there should be a setup pagecalled virtual servers, or something like that, you need to add a new rule that forwards port 80 (not sure wheather it should be tcp or udp, so it's probably best to do it with both) to your servers local IP address.

Lee :)
Hey my friend can see the page now but does that mean everyone else can see it too around the world? Seems like some people can get to it.
well i tried it and it didnt work, but maybe you turned the sever off :)
Hey my friend can see the page now but does that mean everyone else can see it too around the world?
if you friend is in different location then probably
So does that mean only the people in my area can view the page? Also my page doesn't seem to work if i put www. I keep wondering why.


EDIT: Oh wait it does work now with www. Try to click on it do you guys see anything? There should be a blue banner on top that says UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Even with the ports forwarded some still cant view it.

Lol apj101 yeah my server is on :)
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Ok I've found my problem. My ISP (Videotron) blocked port 80 so i can't get through. Is there any other port i can use and how? Remember im using DynDns's free service for the static dns.