Go to NETWORK CONNECTIONS and click on "set up a home or small office network". Click next a few times until you get to the screen that asks for your current network connection type. Have a reasd through the options and choose the right one for you.
Click next and select your connection that you are using for the internet connection.
After a few more "next" clicks, you have to type in computer names and descriptions, completely up to you what you call them but try to keep them uniform but unique.
The next step is what enables the whole "shared" thing to happen. When it asks for your WORKGROUP NAME, enter a unique name (suggestions are: HOMENET or *YOUR SECOND NAME*).
Click next and confirm the settings, make a note of the workgroup name because you will need to enter exactly the same workgroup name into the laptop when you repeat the process on there.
You should see some network icons go across the screen and it will say that you have successfully created a network.... blah blah blah....
Do this step on the other machine with the exact same workgroup name.
When this is done, open up MY COMPUTER and right click on Shared Documents. Click on PROPERTIES and then the SHARING tab at the top. Click on "I understand the risks of sharing....blah blah blah...". A whole new set of options will now be available. Click on "share this folder on the network and enter "SharedDocs" as the share name.
Once again, repeat this on the laptop. Restart BOTH machines a few times (yes, more than once). Open up network places and wait a little bit, upto 10 mins for the machines to find each other. If after a long time there is still nothing in network places then click START - SEARCH - click "COMPUTERS AND PEOPLE" and search with leaving the box empty. If nothing appears after searching then redo the first load of processes that i described. If the laptop and desktop appear in the search results then the machines are just being very slow, wait some more.
I hope this helps you a lot as it did take quite a long time to write it all out. Now my hands are aching because i was typing to fast for my own good. If you get any problems please post back.