Home network help


New Member
I've an internet connection at home, and theres a cable connected to the PC, now I've got a new Laptop, I need to make them both have internet, I've bought a switch , but I need more details about configuration ?
well, a switch will work depending on your internet service provider. best bet would be to get a router. plugged the internet into the wan port on the back of the router (it'll be called wan or internet) and then plug your computers into any of the other 4 LAN ports
best bet would be to get a router
I agree
for one, your switch does not have NAT, so the first pc that hits the net will grab your only ip from your isp, unless you have a block of ip's and it is static, kind of doubt that more likely dynamic, one new ip every time the modem is turned on.
second , a switch gives you absollutely no protection from the internet. I just checked my router firewall log and I was pinged 8 times today and one syn attack.
I agree with the other post and would add that if you have a "new" laptop it probally has Wireless capability. With that being said, why not get a wireless router?
Just a thought.