Home-made EMI Shield


New Member
I was looking at the ne Razer sound card and I've noticed that one of it's features is a 'passive EMI shield'. I'm guessing that stands for an electro-magnetic interference shield, which, I assume, is to prevent an static interference from occur. I thought this was an interesting feature and I was wonder, What is a 'passive EMI shield' is made out of? I was also wondering, Would it be possible to make a home-made one for my own card?
hmm, I don't really see how you can have a passive EMI shield. I have taken apart my sony speakers which had an emi shield and its just like a thin metal mesh, like a faraday's cage which traps the EMR.
It begs the question.... why? Surely it wouldn't be needed unless you lived inside your local power station i really don't think it would make a blind bit of difference
Well, I was reading a review for Razer's Barracuda and one critic claimed that there 'wasn't any static'; that it was actually noticeably quiet because of the EMI shield. I guess that statement could be false but it wouldn't hurt to make one and could be a fun project.....