home ftp


New Member
hello everyone, just popped in to ask a hopefully simple question. I need to setup a home FTP server for a direct connection so when Im away from home I can pull files from home. this will be on my main system running XP home. I just want to be able to open cuteFTP and download the files from my system. any suggestions on tutorials or anything

I understand the basic principals of what I have to do but I just dont know exactly how to do, any help would be great
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Will you be doing this from behind a router? If so it will be a little more difficult.. but still doable.
alright I downloaded bulletproof and got it all setup. I can connect to the server internally on my home network but any ideas on how I can get it out on the internet?

Im currently using port 21 on the server for to connect from my hom LAN...what port and settings should I use so I will be able to connect remotely using the internet?
a) you need to know you ip address of you pc
you can find this out on http://www.whatismyip.com/
b) When you are using your ftp client you just need to specify the ip address and port 21 (the port will prob be default 21)

NB - that your ip address will change (maybe look into getting dyndns)
yea I have my IP address and try to connect but it denies me and says I didnt pick the right connect (SSL, SSH2) not sure which I need to use

guess I just need to mess around with it a little bit long

thx for all the help guys :)
not at the time Im trying to connect. I disabled the router to see if I could get it working. not sure what is blocking me but it keeps denying me when I try to connect over the internet
not at the time Im trying to connect. I disabled the router to see if I could get it working. not sure what is blocking me but it keeps denying me when I try to connect over the internet
1) What do you mean you disable the router, do you mean you connected the pc directly to the net, thus not using the router
2) Do you have a firewall (it may be the windows firewall) that could be blocking traffic. If you do then you will have to configure the firewall to allow access for the the ftp server