i'll help ya out
Sharing internet over a serial cable IS very possible. I used to do this. Since serial cables are VERY slow (10 kbytes/second), it would be pointless to try and set this up. In this case, you pretty much have three options:
1) Do you have a USB port on your laptop? If so, get a USB ethernet adapter (NIC). That would be the best way, hands down.
2) If you have a USB port, you can also direct cable connect with that. You need a special cable though. Parallel Technologies makes something called the "Net-Linq USB Connection Cable". Transfer rates are around 500 Kbytes/second. Go find one and buy it.
3) Parallel (Printer) ports can also be used for this. Using standard cables, transfer rates are only slightly better than serial cables (50-60 Kbytes/second). But Parallel Technologies makes a special cable for this, too. It's called the "DirectParallel® Universal Fast Cable" It will allow around 500 Kbytes/second. That should be sufficient for the job.
When using options 2 or 3, here's how to set up a DCC (Direct Cable Connection):
In Windows XP, on your PC with the internet go to Control Panel->Network Connections. Double-Click the New Connection Wizard. Click next, then choose to set up an advanced connection. Click next and choose to accept incoming connections. Choose your parallel port from the menu. click next. If it asks if you want to accept VPN (Virtual Private Network) connections, say no. Allow whatever usernames to connect. Click next. If you need help setting up network protocols (tcp/ip, etc), contact me or post again in this forum. finish the wizard. Go and do the same on your laptop only tell it to connect directly to another computer.
I'm kinda tired of typing. If you need help with Windows 98/95 or anything else, contact me or post. Hope that helps.