

New Member
Need help please,i need to uninstall CoD4 and i want to save my profile can i burn it to a disk and then burn it back onto my computer at a later date.:)
Need help please,i need to uninstall CoD4 and i want to save my profile can i burn it to a disk and then burn it back onto my computer at a later date.:)


Go to your CoD4 directory. Mine is (bare in mind I have it through steam)

c>program files>program files>steam>steam apps>common>call of duty 4>players

because mine is through steam, if yours isn't replace from "steam" to "common" with activision, so yours would be:

c>program files>program files>activision>call of duty 4>players

copy the profiles folder and save that elsewhere, burn them to a disc, whatever you want to do with it. You can then uninstall CoD4. When you reinstall it, that i where I am unsure. I have done it before, however can't remember if you have to:

1. just put the folder in

2. start the game, create the profile with the same name, then copy it over

either way though, it will be there, backed up and working :)
Thanks for that Aastii but i think my copy is knacked.What has happened is that i went to play on a server and i kept on going into prone position and my gun would fire without me touching the mouse also i only had one grenade instead of the three which i should have had.Thought it might be the mouse so i changed that for another one still no different,then i went and checked
my options to make sure they were ok and they were changing on there own.So the game is knacked or i have a ghost in my computer.It's not my computer as i tried it
out on the wife's and it done the same thing,so i still need help.:)
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