

New Member
Alright, here's the problem:

I would be playing my Xbox or doing whatever and be listening to music at the same time off my computer, and out of nowhere the sound would just stop. Keep in mind this only happened once every week or so. I would restart and it would be fine... But I'd have to restart everytime this happened...

Now, I don't remember right but I think sometimes I would push "Play" again, and the bar that shows how far into the song you are, would not move from zero, and the song would not play, nor could I hear any other sounds from my computer. Now lately, or other times in the past, the bar will move but there is still no sound. Now, since I don't play my Xbox, I don't listen to music as much on my computer... I'm playing WoW.

Now, when I'm playing WoW, I'll be playing for awhile and the sound will stop. Not only for WoW, but for everything else on my computer... and I'm forced to restart. This occurs a lot faster than it did when just listening to music like I use to (a week compared to an hour or so (Winamp -> WoW)).

I have an ABIT motherboard (built in audio..Realtek) I've uninstalled/reinstalled drivers for it and the problem still happens...

Someone help please?
How old is your hardware and what else are you running on your motherboard? Do you have built-in gfx?
Sounds to me like the sound card just cant handle it. When SC:PT came out, i had the same problem, i was using onboard audio in my Asus board and it would just stop. A new Audigy 2zs took care of the prob.
I have a GeForce FX 5900XT, my motherboard isn't that old, i built this computer last summer. The mother board is an IS7-V from ABIT. Only other things I'm running off board are microphone, mouse/keyboard (wireless), webcam, printer, ethernet, speakers.