help with firmware!!!


New Member
nvm the topic :P

anyone knows if i can use more then one router?

eg: 1 router is in the basement and the other is in a diffrent room and the 1st router is connenting a pc and connecting the 2nd router with is connected to 2 other computers.

can i do that???


pc eye i can't delete post im not a mod u know...
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This can be done, and I have set it up many times. You want to configure your router to bridge mode, or ospf mode (depending on firmware loaded) and not a gateway. Set up the main router with the internet connection as the DHCP server

So, for example...

main router - which is connected to the internet
DHCP server - enabled
WAN port - enabled
IP -
Loopback mode - Disabled

Secondary Router
DHCP server - disabled
WAN port - disabled
IP -
DNS, Gateway -
Loopback - disabled
mode - ospf, or bridge, you don't want it to act as a gateway

what routers are you using this with?
i use "Linksys BEFSR41 EtherFast Cable/DSL Router with 4-Port 10/100 Switch" which is going to my "TRENDnet TEW-452BRP A1" or i have a secound one that doesn't even connect to the pc (says limted) "Asante FriendlyNET FR3004C" this one is old i know :P

so can u help me?

and do u know how i can reset my Asante router? because it doesn't let me go on it and untill now it worked perfectly and just stoped one day :P it says limted connection so i can't go on the site but the trendnet is ok with the site and staff i just can't seem to go online with it.

thank you :P
those look like older routers and may not support features like turning the DHCP server off, and supporting bridge mode.
Can I ask why you want two routers? What are you trying to acheive? A switch sounds like a better option
Can I ask why you want two routers? What are you trying to acheive? A switch sounds like a better option

Owning a router is like owning a cheap manageable switch. Some firmware configurations let you do way more than just act as a switch
Owning a router is like owning a cheap manageable switch. Some firmware configurations let you do way more than just act as a switch

I understand, I think. Not sure all the things you are refering to, but I was only curious what he was trying to acheive
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well i don't REALY care about the cost, there is only the problem of the 2nd floor and basement did you ever try to put a wire from the basement to your room? it take one hell of alot of time, and i don't have that, also it take a long wire about i think its 50ft could be more, but the point in it is to make it so it wont distroy the living room and the denger of falling from the 2nd foor's steps is kind of... well you know

anyhow back to my question can i reset (as in reset to facotry default) with out going on the routers site? (talking about the Asante) or can i somehow fix my trendnet?

by the way, thank for the help :P
in all honesty what you want to achieve can be done with consumer routers, but most likely you will need to flash them with third party firmware.

I set up a network for a client of mine like this. 3x WRT54GL routers w/ DD-WRT firmware flashed on them.

Main rotuer
DHCP server - on
Loop back - off
WAN port on
Firewall ON
NAT - Enabled

Secondary router
DHCP server - off
WAN Port - OFF
Loop back - off
Firewall - off
loopback - off
NAT - Disabled
Gateway, DNS -
mode - OSPF

Teritory router
DHCP server - off
WAN Port - OFF
Loop back - off
Firewall - off
loopback - off
NAT - Disabled
Gateway, DNS -
mode - OSPF

There are cables connecting every single router, each router allso broadcasts the same SSID with the same network security WPA key. Each router's wireless channel is apart about 2 channels reducing interference. They now have reliable wireless broadcased throughout their whole location and a router on each floor they can wire things to.

The main router acts as the DHCP server and the sec and tert routers are just pretty much repeaters on the network.

Some consumer routers you can not do this with because their factory firmware is so limiting.
for resetting look at the back of the router to see if it has a reset button. Linksys products do.

i asked about my Asante router not the linksys and i meant to make it back to how it was (like new) with nothing diffrent from what the store gave like ports and staff
i asked about my Asante router not the linksys and i meant to make it back to how it was (like new) with nothing diffrent from what the store gave like ports and staff

After googling it, it seems that asante routers are reset by their software app that will detect and telnet into the router. Depending on what model you have you will have to download a certain app. go to their website to find it.

You said money was not really a concern of yours earlier, if that is true why not invest in a couple of new routers?
You said money was not really a concern of yours earlier, if that is true why not invest in a couple of new routers?

well what is the point in buying new once if they will just brake like this once i mean yea i have money but there is a limt it will be cheaper to buy a new internet modem, that way i may need to pay $40 or so but it wont brake every time, all the routers cos me about $200: 100 TRENDnet, 0 Asante, 100 Linksys, or something around those numbers, but the asante was free :P and it worked for the longest time too.
Well, considering you can buy new linksys routers at $50.00 each, and they are pretty nice and have the ability to have third party firmware loaded on them which make them very powerful compared to regular consumer routers, is incentive to buy them IMO.

Considering how asante made their router, and considering they re no longer a company that really gears towards the consumer market, you may want to invest in someone else's product.

Just my opinion
well thanks for all the help guys but i think i will just get a new provider for my self so it will go to my room :P

its less problems like this :P

btw my linksys was down but i found the problem :P the dns was set as the router ip :P so i just reseted it to normal :P

thanks anyway people :P