help wanted


New Member
can someone please help me,i was given a laptop yesterday,but wen i switched it on i got an error message,error reading operation system, can it be repaired and how,dont have the money to get it done,want to do it myself,
thanking you very much for your help
could be a million reason for the error really, but without more info, i'd say your best bet is just to do a full reinstall of the OS. just boot up from a windows install disc (or whatever OS you prefer, there are many very user-friendly linux distros nowadays), re-partition the drive if you have to, and go through the steps of the installation
can someone please help me,i was given a laptop yesterday,but wen i switched it on i got an error message,error reading operation system, can it be repaired and how,dont have the money to get it done,want to do it myself,
thanking you very much for your help

Sounds like you just need to pop in a windows disc and go through the repair process. That or the HD could be bad(you'd have to buy a new one). So try this
1. Pop in the windows disc and boot from it.
2. Go through the setup process and see if it even sees the hard drive or can write to it.
3. If #2 doesnt work, then you probally have a bad Hard drive go to step 4.
4. Buy a Hard drive that matches the size and interface of the one on the laptop
5. Open(easy) and replace the hard drive. Then go back to steps one and 2.