Help setting camera settings.


Active Member
I bought a Samsung S850.

I tried setting the settings, by switching the dial. And reading the manual, and trying.

This is totally different from my Nikon Coolpix S1.

The dial has.
'P'. 'A'. 'S'. 'M'. ASR. SCENE. Movie Capture. Auto.

I plan on doing, Macro shots of my computer and other objects. Landscape, cars, ext.

And film, basic stuff.

Any Suggestions? I was looking for a Samsung phone number to call them, and maybe have them set me up.

I bought a Samsung S850.

I tried setting the settings, by switching the dial. And reading the manual, and trying.

This is totally different from my Nikon Coolpix S1.

The dial has.
'P'. 'A'. 'S'. 'M'. ASR. SCENE. Movie Capture. Auto.

I plan on doing, Macro shots of my computer and other objects. Landscape, cars, ext.

And film, basic stuff.

Any Suggestions? I was looking for a Samsung phone number to call them, and maybe have them set me up.


A = MAY be 'aperture priority' which means you set the aperture and the camera automatically selects the correct shutter speed

P = Program - you have control of SOME settings.

ASR = Advanced Shake Reduction - basically compensates for camera shake in low light.

M = manual - full control of settings, you make the settings.

Scene = I'm going off my camera here...this gives you a range of choices of settings for what ur taking a photo off, eg kids & pets, indoor, fireworks, foliage, beach, snow etc.

I don't know what S would be.

Hope this helps a bit
Here is what I think they could be:

A = Auto, the camera does everything for you, all you do is point and shoot.

P = Portrait, changes the settings to get the best portrait picture, will often have a higher F stop.

M = Manual, You get to change every setting on the camera, the best option!
On my Canon P = program, thats what I was going on. Sorry if I gave a 'bum steer'.

There are some really useless modes on my camera such as Color Swap, Color Accent etc. I suppose its a novelty to get ppl to buy.

The best way to get accustomed to ur camera is to use it in all sorts of modes and settings and note the outcome and what settings you used, so then you cam SEE what the settings and modes do.

If you like taking photos of people, portraits etc. USE the continuous shooting option. You'll take A LOT in one go but its worth it to get one priceless shot, and its not like ur paying to get them all developed. This is excellent for kids cuz they all make gumpy faces when they have a camera pointed at them.

I've attached a good example of that 'one priceless shot'. Its blurry cuz he (my nephew), was moving around but I think it gives the shot a sense of movement and excitement. If I waited for this shot I would miss it. He was laughing his head off cuz I kept telling him silly jokes.
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When I go to 'Scene' and choose Close up mode, depending on if the camera is close to the object or a little ways away with zoom on it comes on a bit blurry and stuff.

I want to take pictures of like close up's, buildings, skylines, house objects *average distance, like taking a picture of my room. And stuff like that.

Any tips on settings?

On my Canon P = program, thats what I was going on. Sorry if I gave a 'bum steer'.

There are some really useless modes on my camera such as Color Swap, Color Accent etc. I suppose its a novelty to get ppl to buy.

The best way to get accustomed to ur camera is to use it in all sorts of modes and settings and note the outcome and what settings you used, so then you cam SEE what the settings and modes do.

If you like taking photos of people, portraits etc. USE the continuous shooting option. You'll take A LOT in one go but its worth it to get one priceless shot, and its not like ur paying to get them all developed. This is excellent for kids cuz they all make gumpy faces when they have a camera pointed at them.

I've attached a good example of that 'one priceless shot'. Its blurry cuz he (my nephew), was moving around but I think it gives the shot a sense of movement and excitement. If I waited for this shot I would miss it. He was laughing his head off cuz I kept telling him silly jokes.

hahaha his face is amazing!
about sd memo card

Hi All, this is my first post. would like to ask, if a sd memo card can still be fix, after it got corrupted or wont open.

faith :)
what do you mean corrupted??

like these water in it ?
or the camera says its corrupt
if the camera says it's broken try formatting it, it usually works on my CF card's