Help Please?


New Member
Ok, I just got a new laptop but I'v been noticing this faint staticy sound when i play music. Its extremly annoying, i thought it may have been the speakers so i switched, but same thing. Is it possible that my sound card sucks? And if it is can u recomend a good but cheap sound card for the laptop? thx
i think if youre gonna have to buy a sound card for a laptop, it will have to be USB, or those funny ports in the side (cant remember name).

im not sure how good USB sound cards are, but i know you can get
Soundblaster Live! 5.1 USB sound cards for around £25...
It could be the sound card, or it could be that the speakers you swaped for may still not be very good? Small speaker (like on cameras) make that static noise, it's just because they're small...?