HELP!!! Networking 2 computers...HELP!!! PLEASE!!!


New Member
I have 2 computers that i want to network, or atleast make the 1 in my room connected to the internet also. I have an ethernet crossover cable, but when i try put it into the family computer the space is taken up because the cable to the modem is in it. Do i get a USB-to-Ethernet converter or something?
Please help if you know, i have tried asking on lots of things but no one replied. Thanks alot!
Buy a router. plug the 2 computers into the router, and the router into the modem. Problem solved.

OR buy an extra ethernet card and run ICS for the second computer.
Trizoy said:
Buy a router. plug the 2 computers into the router, and the router into the modem. Problem solved.

OR buy an extra ethernet card and run ICS for the second computer.
Thanks so much man,
Will a hub do?
As Trizoy said, you need to buy a router to do anything with networking (well, okay, there are other ways, but this is the easiest). If they computers are somewhat far apart, you may want to go wireless. It is very easy to assemble, all you do is take the out-cable from the modem and plug it into the port on the router. Then, if it's wireless, turn on your computer and it should be connected (providing you have a wirelelss card installed properly). If it's hardwired, then all you have to do is buy some extra ethernet cables, and if you don't have a 10/100 ethernet port (most new computers do), buy a PCI 10/100 ethernet card. All you have to do is take the ethernet cables and plug them from the router to your computer. It's really that easy.
Little more.

I've got the hub and another cable. It is all set up but on one of the computers, the internet wont work. Why is that?
the hub doesnt creat a connection to your ISP... A router will. A hub will only allow a network to be setup.