Help needed with restrictions


New Member
So I need help with some restrictions I want to be able to restrict the users that connect to my server. I am running a windows server 2003 and i have two computers that have windows xp pro that need resticting. Will I have to restict each of them?

Thanks, in advance.
Ok so how would i apply restrictions to them.

I want restrictions like no control panel and no recyle bin.

You would have to do that by becoming the administrator on those comps- it has nothing to do with your router. Once you become admin, its pretty easy, just go to the user control panel and restrict away.
So i shold logon to the computer using my admin user and apply the restrictions to the users using something like gpedit.msc
or regedit.

But what can you do caonsering restrictions in user acounts that just makes acount/ groups and add users to group?

Oh do you mean that i should make a restricted group and make it so they users that i want to restrict go in there?

I have tryed Applying restrictions to a group and have been unsucsessfull.

So how do i apply restricions to a group?
