Help, my pc is slow all of a sudden???


New Member
Hi there, I have the pc in my sig and today I. Was playing skyrim, when all of a sudden my sound went funny, I restarted to computer and when I opened an application after rebooting,then I got the bsod, so I rebooted again, after this everything was really slow and I was surprised I could even shut my pc down.
Does anyone know what may have caused this? And what can I do to fix it?
Also is it possible it's caused by the ssd being to full? It has about 1.5gb left on it, I plan to clean it up tomorrow.
You said you got a blue screen, please do the following so we know what happened.

Download BlueScreenView
No installation required.
Unzip downloaded file and double click on BlueScreenView.exe file to run the program.
When scanning is done, go Edit>Select All.
Go File>Save Selected Items, and save the report as BSOD.txt.
Open BSOD.txt in Notepad, copy all content, and paste it into your next reply.
hmm it seems it cant find any crashes, i guess i shouldnt of pressed the power button when the blue screen came up, i guess today ill try and clear some rubbish of my ssd and move it to my hdd as well as ill run a full kapersky scan on my comp which is something ivebeen meaning to do for the new year anyway, thanks if the bsod comes up again ill wait for it to shut its self down or something then ill launch the blue screen viewer, thanks

edit: ok wel i have about 5.5 gb's freee on the ssd so ill try keep it that way.
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