Help I have a huge image file.


New Member
I have a huge image file with like 4000 images. I only need 1200 of them.
How can I compare a excel list of the images I need with the image file. I want to pull or copy just those images to a file?

the images are labeled:
ja100.jpg, ja200.jpg, hja300.jpg, ja400.jpg, uja500.jpg, sja100.jpg, and so on.

My list has: ja100.jpg, ja200.jpg, hja300.jpg, uja500.jpg, and so on.

So what I want to do is compare the image files with the excel list and come out with a file with the image I need in it.

(Huge image file) <compare> (excel list of needed images) = (Image file with just the images I need).

Well, if all the images you want have similar files names, you could just go start>search, and types something like this: ja1*.jpg

This would find all files like ja101.jpg, ja102.jpg, ja103.jpg, etc, but would skip files like ja201.jpg, ja202.jpg, etc. The only way to get all of the images at once by comparing it to the excel file would be to use some program made especially for that purpose, and I do not know of any.