Help for a newbie with network?


New Member
Hello all,
I have searched around for the answer for my question but can’t find a thing. Any help is greatly appreciated. I have a small business that uses QuickBooks to keep track of billing and other things in and I would like to work from home from time to time. I have DSL at home and DSL at our office.

AT THE OFFICE -We have 3 WinXP systems on a LAN that all share files off a central XP system that acts as a file server. Everything is connected to a netgear router that connects to the DSL modem.

AT THE HOUSE - I have a WINXP dell with the QuickBooks software on it as well. Both the house and the office have DSL and have dynamic ip addresses.

I guess my question is what is the best way to make a connection between these two networks? If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Thanks
Not sure if there is a way to bridge the two when you are at your house and want to work from home, you can remotely connect into your "central XP system that acts as a file server". To do so, depending on what program you use to do so, you will have to forward certain ports in your router to the file server. Hope this helps.
You may be able to setup a VPN Virtual Private Network, which means it's like you are connected physically in a netwok, but it's over a distance. It will act as if you're there with the network though. The only thing is I think VPN is a Cisco thing, which means you'd have to be using Linksys routers on both ends
Right. When our authentication is down at work, I have to use a VPN to get in. It is a Cisco thing and to save time and effort, the easier, and nearly as efficient, way is to just remote desktop in.
Thanks all for the advice. jjsevdt - I do use XP pro but I didnt think that remote destop would work since I had a dynamic IP address.
heres a simple way, use a program like GoToMyPC (monthly charge), or LogMeIn (free). You simply go to their website, login, install the software on both computers (and make sure you allow the firewall to accept the connection), then go to on your home pc, login, click on the pc you want to control, and there you go. But the computer has to be on for this to work, you cant turn it on remotly.
geoff, will that work if you're logged in, but locked the computer? I want to controll my work PC from home and maybe the other way too