Help connecting two computers


New Member
Can I connect two computers with an ethernet cable? I want to transfer some files to my laptop and I've been trying to figure it out unsuccessfully. Can I just plug the cable into their respective cards and set up a connection? I've tried the connection wizard, but I can't get on to connect to the other. I had one set up as host and guest. Don't know what else to do. Thanks!
You will need a crossover cable, not a standard ethernet cable. If your running Windows XP on both computers, simply run the "Network Setup Wizard" on both machines, and that might be enough for the computers to see each other. The next step is to share the folder(s) that you want to transfer.
You'd think by now NIC's or windows in general could correct the cable. I mean, a standard and crossover cable only differ by the in and out wires(being flipped) And many switches can actually use either or and automatically switch according to whatever they need to be set to...