HELP Computer Freezes


New Member
Hi im having a problem with my computer freezing mainly when i play DOW2 retribution its happened twice now and one time when i was surfing the internet.I have my games stored on the SAMSUNG Spinpoint 1TB and all my other files/operating system on my main drive which is the Seagate Barracuda 750GB.This is my build also DOW2 is running threw steam not a disk.
MB- MSI P55-GD55 P55 1156
CPU- INTEL|CORE I5 750 2.66G
VIDEO CARD- Radeon HD 5770
MEM- 2Gx2 | MUSHKIN 996782
HD-Seagate Barracuda 750GB,SAMSUNG Spinpoint 1TB
DVD Burner- LITE-ON | IHAS-324-98
have you been maintaining it, as in using defragler and ccleaner and scanning for viruses on a regular basis, if not that should prob solve your problems.
Yes i run Disk clean up,defragment,Avira,Comodo,Malwarebytes pro and Superantispyware every night before i shut down the computer.
Just after i finished posting that it froze again so i restarted and got this screen
So i picked F2 load default values and continue which brought me to this screen
did CTRL+ALT+Del and every time the computer restarts it goes right to that 2nd screen
How many hard drives do you have in this system? It seems your cmos settings have been reset to defaults, it's also possible that the cmos battery is failing on you as usually you wouldn't get his message. Most likely need to go in and change your boot order if you have more than one hard drive.
i have 3 total 2 internal and 1 external.
C:is my main one with the operating system and all other misc files
A: just has my games
F:my external one has my windows back up and music back ups on it.
And i cant get into the BIOs screen when i turn it on it just goes to the 2nd screen shot i posted above i tried resetting it and pressing F8 while it was loading and nothing happens.
You have to press the f1 key right after the pc boots up.

I just downloaded the manual for the MSI board in your signature and it states to press the del key to enter the bios. So try them both I guess.
Ok delete key worked i got into Bios and it showed my external drive booting 1st for some reason so i switched it to my main internal one and everything booted up fine now what should i do? and what would cause this to switch all of a sudden?
Power surge possibly.... other cause would be a failing cmos battery but generally they take years to go bad. I would replace it as its only a couple bucks.