Sorry Russ I would love to help, but I've never known any headphones that can cut out the background noise from a wife
Not speaking from experience, but from what I have heard everyone else say, the sound quality of the Sennheiser's is pretty damn poor to say the least
And Dr Dre beats are, for the price, crap, you are paying for the name, style and royalties and nothing else, the sound quality is awful.
Not tried any of these myself Russ,But they claim to be 85% Noise Cancelling.
also others to consider..
I tried some Monster Beats by Dr. Dre, Headphones the other week in Comet..Very good earphones and cancelled out all the noice in the store,But they are very expensive.
Just ordered Sennheiser from Amanon with post £63 if they are no good i will be after you Nev hahaha.Thanks for all your help hope my son likes them,