headphone or souncard . . .


New Member
my sound on counter strike source has been breaking up!!
and im not sure if its the sound card *sound balster augziy 2 zs* about 2 monts old or the hp-1 barracudda (razer) headste which is about (4 months old)
try playing it without using the headset... plug in a speaker instead...
if it still breaking up, it might your sound card then.
Stick around and wait for others to comment on this.
Question: Does the sound squeak and chirp? Also, do the graphics creep to a halt while CPU usage spikes? I occasionally run into this problem, not so often that it concerns me. I usually just restart. I would take the time to fix it, but it really is infrequent, and I'm replacing almost all my hardware in a few days--essentially a new rig.
Well i think you should check the sound without using headphones ,is it coming or not if not then plug in the wires correctly....